Welcome to Clan Cunningham International!

Clan Cunningham International, founded in 2002, is a non-political, non-sectarian, all-volunteer, non-profit corporation registered in the State of Tennessee. As a registered non-profit organization under IRS Code Section 501(c)(3) (public educational charity), all donations to support its activities are tax-deductible within the limitation of federal tax codes for donors who are United States citizens.

Membership is open to all Cunninghams around the world by birth, marriage, or adoption, and to the descendants of the Associated Families of the Districts of Cunninghame and Ayrshire in Scotland, as well as to anyone with an interest in or wishing to promote the great heritage of Clan Cunningham.

The organization has evolved and grown greatly in these few short years and represents Clan Cunningham at Scottish Games and Celtic festivals all over the United States, Canada, Scotland and New Zealand, just to mention a few. And our members are found in all of these places and many others throughout the world.

Our Clan Chief, Sir John Christopher Foggo Montgomery Cuninghame of that Ilk, Chief of the Name and Arms of Cuninghame, Baronet of Corsehill, is a member of our Governing Council.

A list of Associated Families, list of our Governing Council, By-Laws, and other important information may be found on this website.

Clan Cunningham is a proud member of the Council of Scottish Clans and Associations and has been since 2002.

Chief’s Message

Dear Clan Members, 

During the last year I have done little to contribute to the life and progress of Clan Cunningham. It has been a difficult and worrying year for me particularly as my wife, Laura, nearly had to spend Christmas in hospital for the second year running. Fortunately that did not happen and we had a quiet Happy Christmas at home.  But that is enough about me.

I was on the point of sending an enthusiastic and inspiriting letter to you just after the start of the Highland Games season, but then came the terrible hurricanes followed by the floods and then the worst fires in California’s history. I thought you would have many more pressing thoughts on your mind and that it would be inappropriate to write such a letter to you at that moment of time. I pray that none of your relations or friends were involved in these disasters.

During the last few months I have spent some of my time refreshing my knowledge of the history of medieval Scotland. One of the subjects which interests me was the origins of the perceived differences between the Highlands and the Lowlands, or rather the Highlanders and the Lowlanders. I have no pretentions of being a scholar in Scottish history, but I thought the observations might be of interest to you. The full article can be viewed on the this website.  I hope that all of you have had a very joyful Christmas and I warmly wish you a very successful and Happy New Year. If we each added one new member to the clan that would be one success.

With my best wishes,

John M. Cuninghame of that Ilk

President’s Message


From the President’s Pen, Winter 2024

Greetings to all CCI members,

A new year is upon us. Another trip around the sun. I hope your New Year’s celebrations were festive and bright. If you have set New Year’s resolutions, I hope you are successful in seeing them through.

A new year is always filled with promise and great expectations. That is certainly true for CCI.  We have many things to look forward to in the coming year. Applications for an educational scholarship can be submitted from January 1 to May 15. We will be auctioning off two beautiful watercolors by Kilmarnock artist, Tina Sloan, one in January and one in March (find the info above). The proceeds of these two auctions will go toward the Glencairn Aisle preservation fund. With the arrival of warmer weather, work on the Aisle will continue. And, just as a reminder, don’t forget, you will be receiving the Member Survey we mentioned in the Fall soon.  Please keep an eye open for it (it will come electronically) and take the time to fill it out and return it.

These are just a few of the things going on in 2024. To stay apprised of other events and happening read the quarterly editions of our newsletter and keep your eye open for emails. And, as always, feel free to let us know of things going on in your part of the Cunningham world.

Be well!

Sheryl Cunningham
Your CCI President